When I was a girl, we found a hundred ceramic figurines buried underground in my family home in Buenos Aires. We never knew what it was about; it was something that I remember as magical (my mother feared it was something of a haunting). There were 4 or 5 different motifs and then they were repeated, all white.
I took all these figurines and colored them. Choosing at random colors and combinations. So I spent several months of my childhood, exploring colors, combinations, different patterns, etc.
I remember that as a moment of peace, of being at ease, of absolute freedom and in the containment of childhood. I have memories full of sensations in a family home where there were always people, visitors and guests always overflowing.
I haven't been back to my parents' house for two and a half years, I miss their smells, their habits, I miss everything. During the time of the pandemic and having to be at home, I proposed a collaborative work. Me from Madrid, they from Buenos Aires. My father was sending me photos of some specific objects in his house that I asked him and I also asked him to send me those that he considered to be part of our history, our daily lives, objects that keep secrets and memories. Only objects that were home and basically decorative in nature.
I decided to work with these images, in the same way that I had done with those figurines that we met so many years ago and immerse myself in that mantra, concentrating and focusing my thought.
I took all these figurines and colored them. Choosing at random colors and combinations. So I spent several months of my childhood, exploring colors, combinations, different patterns, etc.
I remember that as a moment of peace, of being at ease, of absolute freedom and in the containment of childhood. I have memories full of sensations in a family home where there were always people, visitors and guests always overflowing.
I haven't been back to my parents' house for two and a half years, I miss their smells, their habits, I miss everything. During the time of the pandemic and having to be at home, I proposed a collaborative work. Me from Madrid, they from Buenos Aires. My father was sending me photos of some specific objects in his house that I asked him and I also asked him to send me those that he considered to be part of our history, our daily lives, objects that keep secrets and memories. Only objects that were home and basically decorative in nature.
I decided to work with these images, in the same way that I had done with those figurines that we met so many years ago and immerse myself in that mantra, concentrating and focusing my thought.
Cuando era chica, encontramos en mi casa familiar en Buenos Aires un centenar de figurillas de cerámica enterradas bajo la tierra. Nunca supimos de que se trataba; fue algo que yo recuerdo como mágico (mi madre temía que fuera algo de embrujo). Había 4 o 5 motivos distintos y luego se repetían, todas blancas. Yo tomé todas esas figurillas y las fui coloreando. Eligiendo al azar los colores, las combinaciones y los motivos que les iba a pintar. Y así me pasé varios meses de mi infancia. Explorando los colores, las combinaciones, diferentes patrones, etc.
Recuerdo ese como un momento de paz, de estar a gusto, de libertad absoluta y en la contención de la infancia. Tengo recuerdos colmados de sensaciones en una casa familiar en la que siempre había gente, en la que siempre rebozaban las visitas y los huéspedes. Hace dos años y medio que no vuelvo a la casa de mis padres, extraño sus olores, sus costumbres, extraño todo.
Durante el tiempo de pandemia y al tener que estar en casa, les propuse un trabajo en colaboración. Yo desde Madrid, ellos desde Buenos Aires. Mi padre me fue enviando fotos de algunos objetos específicos de su casa que yo le pedí y otros que él considerara que eran parte de nuestra historia, de nuestro cotidiano, objetos que guardan secretos y recuerdos. Sólo objetos de casa y de carácter básicamente decorativos.
Me propuse trabajar con estas imágenes, de la misma manera que lo había hecho con esas figurillas que nos encontramos hace tantos años atrás y sumergirme en ese mantra, concentrándome y focalizando el pensamiento.

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Muñequita - Óleo sobre papel - 16 x 25 cm

Muñequita - Óleo sobre papel - 16 x 25 cm

Muñequita - Óleo sobre papel - 16 x 25 cm

Muñequita - Óleo sobre papel - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 16 x 24 cm

Oil on paper - 16 x 24 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Reloj - Óleo sobre papel - 24 x 30 cm

Reloj - Óleo sobre papel - 24 x 30 cm

Reloj - Óleo sobre papel - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm

Oil on paper - 24 x 30 cm